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Legal Mentions

Website Editor

This website, accessible from the address (the “Website”), is published by Maria Prisco.


Hosting: Hostinger

The website is hosted on the server in Paris, France.
Head office: Kaunas, Jonavos g. 60c, Lithuania

Design & Development

Not In Paris Now

Terms of Use

Browsing and using the Website implies unreserved acceptance of these legal notices. Maria Prisco reserves the right to modify them at any time without notice.

Maria Prisco implements all available means to ensure reliable and continuous access to the Website and the information it contains. However, Maria Prisco cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation of the Website or the use of the information it contains.

The data and information provided by the Website are for informational purposes only and are not exhaustive. They do not constitute legal advice, solicitation, or an offer of services in any way.

Hypertext Links

The Website may contain hypertext links to third-party sites over which Maria Prisco has no control. Consequently, Maria Prisco assumes no responsibility for access to or the content of these third-party sites.

The creation of hypertext links from third-party sites to the Website is subject to the prior written authorization of Maria Prisco.

Intellectual Property

The Website and each of its elements, including scripts, texts, illustrations, videos, newsletters (the “Intellectual Property Elements”), are protected by intellectual property law. They are the exclusive property of Maria Prisco or the holders of these rights.

The reproduction, transmission, representation, or distribution of the Website and/or the Intellectual Property Elements, in whole or in part, for purposes other than strictly personal and private use, is strictly prohibited and would constitute an infringement that could result in civil and criminal liability for its author.

It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name “Maria Prisco,” as well as any logo or visual of “Maria Prisco,” alone or in association, for any purpose whatsoever.